Heart Disease Test Line
Heart Disease Test Line - Not many realize that heart disease is the number one killer in the world. This disease is often underestimated by many people even though it can strike anyone suddenly, making the sufferer chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and even death. Patients with this disease are usually reluctant to see a doctor because they think the symptoms they cause are just ordinary pain and can heal on their own. In fact, doctors can predict the symptoms of heart disease through a series of clinical trials. By detecting heart disease early, sufferers can take precautions so that they avoid the risk of dying. This test can be done in a hospital or clinic that has an electric impulse detection machine, known as an electrocardiogram or EKG.
Generally, this test only lasts 5 to 8 minutes. The doctor will place 10-8 plastic electrodes on the chest and arms. Also read: There is a risk of heart disease, what are the different symptoms for men and women? Through this tool, doctors can measure the electrical activity of the heart which can later be used to support diagnosis. However, this test is painless and can be performed by a nurse. Early detection of heart disease can also be done by examining the patient's blood.
If the blood shows total cholesterol levels above 200mg / dl and low denisty lipoprotein (LDL) aka bad cholesterol above 130 mg / dl, the doctor can use it as a risk analysis for cardiovascular or heart disease. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan is performed using high doses of X-rays to display detailed images of the heart as well as coronary blood vessels. Through a CT scan, doctors can look for calcium deposits in the heart arteries that have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. An echocardiogram test is done to see moving images from an ultrasound of the heart.
This procedure allows doctors to test the heart's ability to pump blood out and see if the heart has structural problems. After you do clinical tests to detect heart disease, you also need to take precautions and always maintain a healthy heart. The method can be started from exercising regularly, adopting a healthy lifestyle to quitting smoking. You also need to maintain your diet. Avoid eating high cholesterol foods. This is because high cholesterol levels can block blood flow to the heart.
If there is a complete blockage it will result in a heart attack. Nestle ACTICOR is a drink to lower cholesterol that contains milk with soluble dietary fiber Beta Glucan and Inulin. The content of Beta Glucan and Inulin is clinically proven to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), which is a risk factor for heart disease. Beta Glucan and Inulin are also able to improve the LIPID profile by affecting LIPID and bile acids. Nestle ACTICOR is also made from natural ingredients, low in fat and it tastes really good. There are 4 flavors, including avocado, chocolate, green-tea latte, and banana.
Not only that, Nestle ACTICOR can also be a source of vitamins B1 and B2. Nestle ACTICOR is good for consumption by adults who care about their health. For those of you who like cold drinks, Nestle ACTICOR can also be consumed in combination with ice cubes or drunk cold. For optimal results, it is recommended that Nestle ACTICOR be taken twice a day after meals. With Nestle ACTICOR, you can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. If bad cholesterol goes down, it will reduce the risk of cholesterol disease which triggers heart disease. Starting today, let's drink Nestle ACTICOR every day.
Research reported in Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal in 2008 notes that exercise can be a potential tool for managing anxiety symptoms. In this study, participants who regularly exercised had a lower anxiety index than those who never exercised. This suggests that exercise may be a viable treatment for anxiety and stress. In theory, exercise causes the body to react, including the brain. In response, the brain releases many hormones including endorphins and neurotransmitters that can affect mood.
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