Symptoms of Heart Disease
Symptoms of Heart Disease - In general, heart disease is more common in men. In fact, in fact women also have the same risk of disease as men. It's just that, physical, organ and hormonal differences between men and women that make the symptoms of heart disease in women are often recognized too late. Before recognizing the symptoms of heart disease specifically in men and women, first identify the common symptoms of heart disease. Men tend to be more prone to heart attacks at a younger age than women. Some have no symptoms at all. But there are also those who experience symptoms that look real. Launching a health site, Web MD states that the symptoms of a heart attack in men are chest pain which then spreads to the shoulders, neck, arms or jaw, then it can also be short of breath, sweating without cause, indigestion, dizziness, and fainting. Unlike men, according to one internal medicine specialist, women may experience heart attacks without experiencing chest pain at all.
However, there are other symptoms such as pain in the stomach, nausea or vomiting, and symptoms such as heartburn. After menopause, a woman's risk of heart attack increases. To reduce the risk of heart disease, you must know how to maintain a healthy heart. Starting from doing a healthy lifestyle, clean, actively exercising, and not smoking. You also need to avoid or reduce the consumption of high cholesterol foods such as junk food, processed meat, butter, seafood, and so on. This is because high cholesterol levels can block blood flow to the heart. If there is a complete blockage it will result in a heart attack. To help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body, you can drink Nestle ACTICOR. Nestle ACTICOR is a drink to lower cholesterol that contains milk with soluble dietary fiber Beta Glucan and Inulin. The content of Beta Glucan and Inulin is clinically proven to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), which is a risk factor for heart disease. Beta Glucan and Inulin are also able to improve the LIPID profile by affecting LIPID and bile acids. Nestle ACTICOR is also made from natural ingredients, low in fat and it tastes really good. There are 4 flavors, including avocado, chocolate, green-tea latte, and banana. Not only that, Nestle ACTICOR can also be a source of vitamins B1 and B2. Nestle ACTICOR is good for consumption by adults who care about their health. For those of you who like cold drinks, Nestle ACTICOR can also be consumed in combination with ice cubes or drunk cold. For optimal results, it is recommended that Nestle ACTICOR be taken twice a day after meals. With Nestle ACTICOR, you can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. If bad cholesterol goes down, it will reduce the risk of cholesterol disease which triggers heart disease. Starting today, let's drink Nestle ACTICOR every day.
Physical education is basically an integral part of the education system as a whole, aims to develop aspects of health, physical fitness, critical thinking skills, emotional stability, social skills, reasoning and moral action through physical activities and sports. In the intensification of education administration as a lifelong human development process, the role of Physical Education is very important, which provides opportunities for students to be directly involved in various learning experiences through physical activities, play and sports which are carried out systematically. The provision of learning experiences is directed at fostering, as well as forming, a life-long healthy and active lifestyle. Physical Education is a medium to encourage the development of motor skills, physical abilities, knowledge, reasoning, appreciation of values (attitudes-mental-emotional-spiritual-social), and habituation of a healthy lifestyle which aims to stimulate balanced growth and development. With Physical Education students will get various expressions that are closely related to pleasant personal impressions as well as various expressions that are creative, innovative, skilled, have physical fitness, healthy living habits and have knowledge and understanding of human movement. In the Physical Education learning process, teachers are expected to teach various basic movement skills, techniques and strategies for games and sports, internalization of values (sportsmanship, honesty, cooperation, etc.) and habituation of a healthy lifestyle.
The implementation is not through conventional teaching in the classroom which is theoretical in nature, but involves physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social elements. Activities given in teaching must get a didactic-methodic touch, so that the activities carried out can achieve the goals of teaching. There is no education that does not have pedagogical goals, and no education is complete without Physical Education, because movement as a physical activity is the basis for humans to know the world and themselves which naturally develop in line with the times. 1.2.1 What is the meaning of Physical Education and Recreation? 1.2.2 What is the function of Physical Education and Recreation? 1.2.3 What is the role and purpose of Physical Education and Recreation? 1.2.4 What is the Scope of Physical Education? 1.2.5 Who is the target of Recreational Sports? 1.2.6 What is the difference between Physical Education and Sports Education? 1.2.7 What are the types of recreation? 1.2.8 What are some traditional games that are also recreational sports? 1.3.1 Fulfill the assignments of Physical Education and Sports courses.
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