Complications of Diseases That Cause Heart Disorders
Complications of Diseases That Cause Heart Disorders - Heart disease is a condition when the heart is damaged. The form of the disorder can vary. There are disorders of the blood vessels of the heart, heart rhythm, heart valves, or disorders due to birth. Heart disease is all diseases that occur due to impaired heart function. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease. This condition is the result of plaque buildup in the coronary arteries. In addition, this condition can also block blood flow to the heart and increase the risk of heart attack. Other complications can also occur, including: 1. Heart Failure Heart failure is a common complication. This condition is caused by the inability of the heart to meet the body's blood flow needs. This condition occurs because the heart muscle is no longer able to pump blood. This condition is also prone to occur in people with congenital heart defects or heart infections. Heart failure usually presents with several symp...